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Scallion and Parmesan Scones

No plum recipe this week! Hooray! Are you sick of plums yet? I am. However, I do have a pretty great plum recipe coming up in a couple days, but this will be my last one until there's snow on the ground in Cleveland. I promise.

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon living out my Princess Diary dreams. Friend Claire and I went to Musée Mécanique to get creeped out by the arcade games and get our photo taken in their old timey photo booth - it smelled like farts but made some pretty cute keepsakes. Then we ate corn dogs (key to my heart). All we needed was an old baby blue mustang and you could call us Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews. Despite the crowds of tourists, it was an A+ San Francisco afternoon! I hope Princess Diaries is on Netflix. I spent the rest of our small stay-cation and this weekend cleaning and organizing our apartment. Less fun. HOW DO TWO PEOPLE PRODUCE SO MUCH STUFF?! WHY DO I KEEP MAKING PILES OF THINGS?! HOW DO PEOPLE LIVE IN SUCH PRISTINE INSTAGRAMABLE HOMES?! I feel like I clean and then all of a sudden our dining table is covered in mail and random objects again... But I think we are getting somewhere. A organized home/desk/kitchen feels so good once you get there. I'm going to order a duster right now.

This upcoming weekend is going to be pretty momentous. Reuben will have taken his last architecture exam and our living room won't be covered in notecards and scattered pages about HVAC systems. Hooray! You're excited about that too right?? I don't even know what we are going to do with ourselves! Go on a hike? Visit a Brewery? Drive to target and buy new pillows? We'll probably binge watch more Law and Order SVU. I'm about 18 years late to the SVU bandwagon... but I'm catching up now. Mariska is great. *IF I can wake up early enough, I'll be a nice girlfriend and buy Reuben some bagels from House of Bagels this Saturday to celebrate his freedom. Every few weeks we get a craving for a good bagel ... but again, those are hard to come by here. House of Bagels is pretty good on Reuben's New Jersey bagel scale (RNJBS score = 5/10. 10 being a real jersey bagel.). Their croissant bagel literally kills me, it's so good but so bad for you. I still don't have the mental energy and patience to tackle making bagels again, so biscuits and scones are going to have to keep us satisfied for a while.

These Scallion and Parmesan Scones definitely curb our bagel and lox craving. I feel like scones get such a bad rap. When scones are good, they are so amazing! These scone are perfectly moist but light and flakey. No dry and sawdusty scones in my house. The parmesan adds a great salty bite that balances beautifully with the fresh and fragrant scallions. Scallions make everything better - lesson #21 from Cho Momma. I constantly have a glass of fresh scallions sitting in my kitchen. I put them in or on everything! The base recipe is from The Joy of Cooking, aka my new cooking bible. When Reuben and I were in New Jersey last summer his mom sent us back with a copy! It came with a photo of Reuben and his ex-girlfriend in it, but I'm just going to ignore that 😁 

Scallion and Parmesan Scones

makes 8 scones


1 3/4 C all-purpose flour

2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 C grated parmesan cheese

6 Tbsp chilled butter

1 1/4 C chopped scallion greens

2 large eggs

1/3 C heavy cream


1. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

2. In a large bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, salt, and parmesan cheese.

3. Cut chilled butter into cubes and add to flour mixture. Using either your hands or a pastry cutter, incoporate butter into the flour. You want the dough to have a sandy texture with a few larger chunks of butter.

4. Beat your eggs in a small bowl. reserve about 2 tsp of egg in a separate bowl for your egg wash. Mix in heavy cream with the remaining egg. Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the egg mixture. Gently mix together and add the scallion greens. Combine the dough with your hands until it just comes together. Try to not overwork the dough!

5. Dump out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Pat the dough into a 3/4" thick disc. Cut into 8 equal wedges. Place scones on a parchment paper lined backing sheet. Brush the tops of the scones with the remaining beaten egg and sprinkle with a little parmesan cheese.

6. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Until beautifully golden! Let cool and enjoy!